I found this bunting banner over at The Artful Parent, and thought how I'd love to try that.
I am a paper person. Anything one can make with paper, well, it attracts me, and I believe I can do it myself.
I've been attracted lately to buntings and banners like this. They seem so festive and add a wonderful hint of color to plain rooms. I've got some plain rooms right now, so I'm liking it. I think the paper cuts would be good in my room above the bed, and maybe some other type for the kids room. I think I like the pennant shaped ones for them, better.
Plus I like papercutting. Remember Maya*made's newspaper snowflakes from Christmas? That's right, paper, decor and repurposing all in one. Woo hoo.
Granted, I'm no Elsa Mora, (although she did mention maybe teaching paper cutting at next years Squam and that's a class I'd like to take) but I still love the wonder of snip snip snip and unfold to beauty.
Life's a lot like that. You snip snip snip away at it and when you unfold it after you're done, it makes sense.